What Yum Command Below Can Display a List of Package Group Names?

Linux yum command

Updated: 11/06/2021 by Computer Promise

yum command

On Unix-similar operating systems, the yum control is an interactive, rpm-based parcel manager.


yum stands for "Yellowdog Updater Modified". It can automatically perform system updates, including dependency analysis and obsolete processing based on "repository" metadata. It can besides perform installation of new packages, removal of old packages and perform queries on the installed or available packages amidst other commands/services (see below). The yum command is similar to other high level bundle managers like apt-get and smart.


yum [options] [command] [package          ...]

control may be one of:

install          package1          [package2] [...]
update [package1] [package2] [...]
update-to [package1] [package2] [...]
bank check-update
upgrade [package1] [package2] [...]
upgrade-to [package1] [package2] [...]
distribution-synchronization [package1] [package2] [...]
remove | erase          package1          [package2] [...]
listing [...]
info [...]
provides | whatprovides          feature1          [feature2] [...]
clean [ packages | metadata | expire-cache | rpmdb | plugins | all ]
groups [...]
search          string1          [string2] [...]
crush [file proper name]
resolvedep          dep1          [dep2] [...]
reinstall          package1          [package2] [...]
downgrade          package1          [package2] [...]
deplist          package1          [package2] [...]
repolist [all|enabled|disabled]
version [all|installed|available|grouping-*|nogroups*|grouplist|groupinfo]
history [info|listing|packages-list|summary|addon-info|redo|disengage|rollback|new]
help [command]

Unless the --assistance or -h selection is given, one of the above commands must be present.

Command descriptions

install Used to install the latest version of a parcel or group of packages while ensuring that all dependencies are satisfied. If no parcel matches the given package name(s), they are assumed to be a shell glob and whatever matches are then installed. If the proper name starts with an @ character the balance of the proper noun is used equally though passed to the groupinstall command. If the name starts with a "-" graphic symbol, then a search is washed within the transaction and whatever matches are removed. If the proper name is a file, then install works like localinstall. If the name doesn't match a bundle, and so packet "provides" are searched (eastward.g., "_sqlitecache.then()(64bit)") every bit are filelists (e.1000., "/usr/bin/yum"). Also, annotation that for filelists and wildcards volition match multiple packages.
update If run without whatsoever packages, update will update every currently installed package. If 1 or more packages or package globs are specified, yum will only update the listed packages. While updating packages, yum will ensure that all dependencies are satisfied. If the packages or globs specified match to packages that are non currently installed then update will not install them. update operates on groups, files, provides and filelists just similar the "install" control.

If the main obsoletes configure choice is true (default) or the --obsoletes flag is present, yum will include package obsoletes in its calculations; this makes information technology better for distro-version changes, for example: upgrading from somelinux 8.0 to somelinux nine.

Note that "update" works on installed packages commencement, and simply if there are no matches does it wait for bachelor packages. The difference is most noticeable when you do "update foo-1-2" which will act exactly as "update foo" if foo-ane-two is installed. You can employ the "update-to" if you'd adopt that zippo happen in the above case.

update-to This command works like "update" but always specifies the version of the parcel nosotros want to use as the update.
bank check-update Implemented and so you could know if your machine had any updates that needed to be applied without running it interactively. Returns exit value of 100 if there are packages available for an update. Also, returns a list of the packages to be updated in list format. Returns 0 if no packages are bachelor for update. Returns ane if an error occurred. Running in verbose mode besides shows obsoletes.
upgrade Is the aforementioned every bit the update command with the --obsoletes flag gear up. See update for more than details.
upgrade-to This command works similar "upgrade" but ever specifies the version of the package nosotros want to use equally the update.
distribution-synchronization or distro-sync Synchronizes the installed package set with the latest packages available; this is done by either obsoleting, upgrading or downgrading equally advisable. This option will "normally" do the same thing as the upgrade command, notwithstanding, if yous accept the package FOO installed at version 4, and the latest bachelor is only version 3, then this command volition downgrade FOO to version three.

If you lot give the optional argument "full", so the control will besides reinstall packages where the install checksum and the available checksum do not lucifer. And remove old packages (can be used to sync. rpmdb versions). The optional argument "different" can exist used to specify the default operation.

This control does not perform operations on groups, local packages or negative selections.

remove or erase Used to remove the specified packages from the system also as removing any packages which depend on the package being removed. remove operates on groups, files, provides and filelists just similar the "install" control.

Note that "yum" is included in the protected_packages configuration by default. And so you can't accidentally remove yum itself.

list Is used to list various data about available packages; more than complete details are available in the List Options section below.
provides or whatprovides Is used to observe out which package provides some feature or file. Just use a specific name or a file-glob-syntax wildcards to listing the packages available or installed that provide that characteristic or file.
search This option is used to find packages when you know something most the package but aren't sure of its proper noun. By default, search volition try searching merely parcel names and summaries, but if that "fails" information technology volition and then try descriptions and url.

yum search orders the results so that those packages matching more terms will appear beginning.

You lot can force searching everything by specifying "all" every bit the first statement.

info Is used to list a description and summary information about bachelor packages; takes the same arguments as in the Listing Options section below.
make clean Is used to clean up various things which accumulate in the yum enshroud directory over time. More complete details can be found in the Clean Options section beneath.
makecache Is used to download and make usable all the metadata for the currently enabled yum repositories.
groups A command, new in three.4.2, that collects all the subcommands that human action on groups together.

The "grouping install" is used to install all of the individual packages in a group, of the specified types (this works as if you lot'd taken each of those package names and put them on the command line for a "yum install" command). The group_package_types configuration pick specifies which types will be installed.

The "group update" is simply an alias for groupinstall, which will practice the right thing considering "yum install X" and "yum update Ten" do the same thing, when Ten is already installed.

The "group list" is used to list the available groups from all yum repositories. Groups are marked every bit "installed" if all mandatory packages are installed, or if a group doesn't have any mandatory packages and then it is installed if any of the optional or default packet are installed. The optional "hidden" argument will likewise list groups marked as not being "user visible". If you pass the -v option, to enable verbose mode, and so the groupids are displayed.

The "group remove" is used to remove all of the packages in a group, unlike "groupinstall" this will remove everything regardless of group_package_types. Information technology is worth pointing out that packages can be in more one grouping, then "group install X Y" followed by "group remove Y" does not practice give you lot the same result equally "group install Ten".

The "groupremove_leaf_only" configuration changes the behaviour of this command to simply remove packages which aren't required by something else.

The "group info" is used to requite the description and bundle list of a group (and which type those packages are marked equally). Notation that you can use the yum-filter-information and yum-list-data plugins to go/apply the information the other way around (i.eastward., what groups own packages need updating). If you laissez passer the -v choice, to enable verbose mode, then the package names are matched against installed/bachelor packages similar to the list control.

beat Is used to enter the 'yum beat', when a file proper noun is specified the contents of that file is executed in yum vanquish way.
resolvedep Is used to list packages providing the specified dependencies, at most one package is listed per dependency.
localinstall Is used to install a set of local rpm files. If required the enabled repositories will be used to resolve dependencies. Note that the install control will practise a local install, if given a file name. This selection is maintained for legacy reasons simply.
localupdate Is used to update the organisation by specifying local rpm files. Only the specified rpm files of which an older version is already installed will be installed, the remaining specified packages volition be ignored. If required the enabled repositories will exist used to resolve dependencies. Annotation that the update control volition do a local update, if given a file name. This option is maintained for legacy reasons only.
reinstall Will reinstall the identically versioned bundle as is currently installed. This option does not work for "installonly" packages, similar kernels. reinstall operates on groups, files, provides and filelists but like the "install" command.
downgrade Volition endeavour and downgrade a package from the version currently installed to the previously highest version (or the specified version). The depsolver does not necessarily work, but if you specify all the packages it should work (and thus all the simple cases piece of work). Besides, this does not piece of work for "installonly" packages, like kernels. The downgrade option operates on groups, files, provides, filelists, and rpm files, like the "install" command.
deplist Produces a listing of all dependencies and what packages provide those dependencies for the given packages. As of 3.2.30, it now but shows the latest version of each parcel that matches (this can be changed using --showduplicates) and it only shows the newest providers (which can exist inverse using --verbose).
repolist Produces a list of configured repositories. The default is to listing all enabled repositories. If y'all pass -5 for verbose mode, more information is listed. If the showtime argument is 'enabled', 'disabled' or 'all' and so the command lists those types of repositories.

You tin can pass repo id or name arguments, or wildcards which to match against both of those. However, if the id or proper name matches exactly, then the repo is listed even if you are list enabled repositories and it is disabled.

In non-verbose mode, the outset column starts with a '*' if the repo has metalink data and the latest metadata is non local. For non-verbose fashion, the concluding column also displays the number of packages in the repo and (if at that place are any user specified excludes) the number of packages excluded.

1 final special feature of repolist, is that if you are in non-verbose fashion then yum ignores whatsoever repo errors and output the information information technology tin get (Eg. "yum clean all; yum -C repolist" outputs something, although the package counts/etc. are zeroed out).

version Produces a "version" of the rpmdb, and of the enabled repositories if "all" is given equally the first argument. You can too specify version groups in the version-groups config file. If you specify -v for verbose way, more information is listed. The version is calculated by taking a sha1 hash of the packages (in sorted order), and the checksum_type/checksum_data entries from the yumdb. Note that this rpmdb version is at present also used significantly within yum (especially in the yum history).

The version command at present shows "groups" of packages as a separate version, and so takes sub-commands:

"version grouplist" - List the defined version groups.

"version groupinfo" - Become the complete listing of packages within i or more than version groups.

"version installed" - This sub-command is the default, merely bear witness the version data for installed packages.

"version available" - Only testify the version information for available packages.

"version all" - Bear witness the version information for installed and available packages.

"version nogroups | nogroups-*" - Just show the main version data.

"version grouping-*" - Simply prove the grouped version information, if more arguments are given and so just bear witness the information for those groups.

history The history control allows the user to view what has happened in by transactions (assuming the history_record config. option is prepare). Yous tin can use info/list/packages-list/summary to view what happened, undo/redo/rollback to act on that information and new to start a new history file.

The info/list/summary commands have either a transaction id or a parcel (with wildcards, every bit in Specifying packet names), all three tin can also exist passed no arguments. The list can exist passed the keyword "all" to list all the transactions.

The packages-list control takes a parcel (with wildcards, as in Specifying package names).

The undo/redo/rollback commands have either a single transaction id or the keyword last and an offset from the final transaction (Eg. if you lot've washed 250 transactions, "last" refers to transaction 250, and "last-four" refers to transaction 246).

The undo/redo commands act on the specified transaction, disengage'ing or repeating the work of that transaction. While the rollback command volition undo all transactions upto the point of the specified transaction. For example, if you have 3 transactions, where package A; B and C where installed respectively. So "undo 1" will attempt to remove pacakge A, "redo 1" volition try to install package A (if information technology is not even so installed), and "rollback 1" will effort to remove packages B and C. Note that afterwards a "rollback 1" you will take a 4th transaction, although the catastrophe rpmdb version (run into: yum version) should be the same in transactions ane and 4.

The addon-info command takes a transaction ID, and the packages-listing command takes a package (with wildcards).

In "history listing" you tin can change the behaviour of the 2nd column via the configuration option history_list_view.

In "history listing" output the Altered cavalcade too gives some extra information if in that location was something non skillful with the transaction (this is also shown at the end of the package column in the packages-listing command).

> - The rpmdb was changed, exterior yum, later on the transaction. < - The rpmdb was inverse, exterior yum, before the transaction. * - The transaction aborted before completion. # - The transaction completed, but with a not-nothing status. E - The transaction completed fine, but had warning/error output during the transaction. P - The transaction completed fine, merely problems already existed in the rpmdb. due south - The transaction completed fine, but --skip-broken was enabled and had to skip some packages.

cheque Checks the local rpmdb and produces data on whatever problems it finds. You can pass the check command the arguments "dependencies" or "duplicates ", to limit the checking that is performed (the default is "all" which does both).

The info control can likewise take ranges of transaction ids, of the grade start...end, which volition and so display a merged history as if all the transactions in the range had happened at in one case.

Eg. "history info 1..4" will merge the start four transactions and display them as a single transaction.

help Produces aid, either for all commands or if given a command name so the help for that particular command.

Full general options

Nigh command line options tin can be set using the configuration file as well and the descriptions indicate the necessary configuration option to set.

-h, --help Display a help message and then quit.
-y, --assumeyes Assume aye; presume that the answer to any question which would exist asked is yes.

Configuration Selection: assumeyes

-c, --config=[config file] Specifies the config file location. Can take HTTP and FTP URLs and local file paths.
-q, --quiet Run without output. Annotation that you likely also want to utilise -y.
-v, --verbose Run with a lot of debugging output.
-d, --debuglevel=[number] Sets the debugging level to [number] and turns upward or down the amount of things that are printed. Applied range: 0 - x

Configuration Option: debuglevel

-e, --errorlevel=[number] Sets the error level to [number] Applied range 0 - x. 0 ways print only critical errors about which you must be told. 1 means impress all errors, even ones that are not overly important. 1+ means print more errors (if any); -e 0 is proficient for cron jobs.

Configuration Choice: errorlevel

--rpmverbosity=[name] Sets the debug level to [name] for rpm scriplets. 'info' is the default, other options are: 'disquisitional', 'emergency', 'error', 'warn' and 'debug'.

Configuration Option: rpmverbosity

--randomwait=[time in minutes]
Sets the maximum corporeality of time yum will wait before performing a command and it randomizes over the time.
-C, --cacheonly Tells yum to run entirely from system cache. Does not download or update any headers unless it has to perform the requested activeness. If you're using this as a user yum volition non utilize the tempcache for the user but volition only use the organisation enshroud in the organisation cachedir.
--version Reports the yum version number and installed package versions for everything in history_record_packages (can be added to by plugins).
--showduplicates Doesn't limit packages to their latest versions in the info, list and search commands (will likewise affect plugins which use the doPackageLists() API).
--installroot= root Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages volition be installed. Think of this similar doing "chroot root yum", except using --installroot allows yum to work before the chroot is created. Note: You may likewise desire to use the option --releasever=/ when creating the installroot as otherwise the $releasever value is taken from the rpmdb inside the installroot (and thus. will be empty, before creation).

Configuration Option: installroot

--enablerepo= repoidglob Enables specific repositories by id or glob that have been disabled in the configuration file using the enabled=0 option.

Configuration Option: enabled

--disablerepo= repoidglob Disables specific repositories by id or glob.

Configuration Option: enabled

--obsoletes This option only has affect for an update, it enables yum'due south obsoletes processing logic. For more information see the update control above.

Configuration Option: obsoletes

-ten, --exclude= parcel Exclude a specific packet by name or glob from updates on all repositories. Configuration Pick: exclude
--colour=[always|car|never] Display colorized output automatically, depending on the output terminal, always (using ANSI codes) or never. Note that some commands (Eg. list and info) volition do a little actress work when color is enabled.

Configuration Option: colour

--disableexcludes=[all|primary|repoid] Disable the excludes divers in your config files. Takes one of iii options: all = disable all excludes; master = disable excludes divers in [main] in yum.conf; repoid = disable excludes divers for that repo
--disableplugin= plugin Run with one or more than plugins disabled, the argument is a comma separated list of wildcards to match confronting plugin names.
--noplugins Run with all plugins disabled.

Configuration Option: plugins

--nogpgcheck Run with GPG signature checking disabled.

Configuration Option: gpgcheck

--skip-broken Resolve depsolve problems past removing packages that are causing problems from the transaction.

Configuration Option: skip_broken

--releasever= version Pretend the electric current release version is the given string. This option is very useful when combined with --installroot. Yous can as well apply --releasever=/ to take the releasever data from outside the installroot. Notation that with the default upstream cachedir, of /var/enshroud/yum, using this pick will corrupt your cache (and you tin can utilize $releasever in your cachedir configuration to cease this).
-t, --tolerant This choice currently does null.
--setopt= option = value Set up any config option in yum config or repo files. For options in the global config only use: --setopt= option = value for repo options utilize: --setopt= repoid . pick = value

List options

The following are the ways which you can invoke yum in listing mode. Note that all listing commands include data on the version of the parcel.


The format of the output of yum listing is:

name.arch [epoch:]version-release repo or @installed-from-repo

yum list [all | glob_exp1] [glob_exp2] [...]

List all available and installed packages.

yum list available [glob_exp1] [...]

List all packages in the yum repositories available to be installed.

yum list updates [glob_exp1] [...]

Listing all packages with updates bachelor in the yum repositories.

yum list installed [glob_exp1] [...]

Listing the packages specified by args. If an argument does non match the name of an bachelor package, it is assumed to be a shell-style glob and whatsoever matches are printed.

yum list extras [glob_exp1] [...]

List the packages installed on the system that are not available in whatsoever yum repository listed in the config file.

yum list obsoletes [glob_exp1] [...]

List the packages installed on the organisation that are obsoleted past packages in any yum repository listed in the config file.

yum listing recent

List packages recently added into the repositories. This command is often not helpful, just what you may really want to utilize is "yum listing-updateinfo new" from the security yum plugin.

Specifying package names

A package tin can exist referred to for install, update, remove, list, info etc with any of the following as well as globs of whatever of the following:

proper noun.arch
proper name-ver-rel.curvation
proper noun-epoch:ver-rel.arch
epoch:proper name-ver-rel.arch

For example:

yum remove kernel-two.4.1-ten.i686

... removes this specific kernel-ver-rel.arch;


yum list available 'foo*'

... lists all available packages that match 'foo*'. The single quotes will keep your shell from expanding the globs.


The following are the ways which you can invoke yum in clean mode. Note that "all files" in the commands below means "all files in currently enabled repositories". If you want to also clean whatever (temporarily) disabled repositories you need to use --enablerepo='*' option.

yum make clean expire-enshroud

Eliminate the local data saying when the metadata and mirrorlists were downloaded for each repository, which means yum will revalidate the cache for each repository next fourth dimension it is used. However, if the cache is still valid, zippo significant was deleted.

yum clean packages

Eliminate whatsoever buried packages from the system. Note that packages are not automatically deleted later on they are downloaded.

yum clean headers

Eliminate all of the header files, which old versions of yum used for dependency resolution.

yum clean metadata

Eliminate all of the files which yum uses to determine the remote availability of packages. Using this option volition force yum to download all the metadata the next time it is run.

yum clean dbcache

Eliminate the sqlite cache used for faster access to metadata. Using this option volition force yum to download the sqlite metadata the adjacent time it is run, or recreate the sqlite metadata if using an older repository.

yum clean rpmdb

Eliminate any cached data from the local rpmdb.

yum make clean plugins

Tell any enabled plugins to eliminate their cached information.

yum clean all

Does all of the above.


Yum can be extended through the use of plugins. A plugin is a Python ".py" file that is installed in one of the directories specified by the pluginpath selection in yum.conf. For a plugin to piece of work, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The plugin module file must be installed in the plugin path as just described.
  2. The global plugins option in /etc/yum/yum.conf must be set to "1".
  3. A configuration file for the plugin must exist in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/<plugin_name>.conf and the enabled setting in this file must set to "1". The minimal content for such a configuration file is:
[main] enabled = 1


yum search chromium

Search the yum repositories for all packages with the word "chromium" in the title.

yum -y install chromium

Install the bundle named "chromium", and assume the answer "y" (yes) to any questions asked during installation.

dpkg — Query, install, remove, and maintain Debian software packages and their dependencies.


Source: https://www.computerhope.com/unix/yum.htm

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